Le Scole
Type of Dive
- Recreational
It is a series of rocks located a few hundred meters far from the coast of Giglio Island, near Giglio Porto. Sadly known for the sinking of the Concordia ship. It is a very particular dive as it can be done entirely by going around the smallest rock, that is also the further from the coast. Initially you come across the large granite boulders that characterize the entire island, which descend directly from the surface, on which you can find the first yellow gorgonians, that at around 30 meters join the red ones. You can come across snappers or barracudas at shallower depth.
- Tech
Starting from the smallest rock of the Scole, which is further away from the coast of the island, and continuing eastwards, you reach the deeper rocks, among which you can admire beautiful branches of red gorgonian fans, shelter for forkbeards and groupers. Coming back to shallower depths, during the deco time you can go around the rock looking for some schools of snappers or barracudas.